What better way to spend a wet and windy Saturday in January than to head out for Dartmoor with three friends from Church, plus a dog of course. Chris, who had just bought new boots that needed dirtying, together with Lee and his dog Sparky, and Colin to make up the quartet all piled into my yellow van to trundle up to Princetown. We parked in a windy, wet and misty scene, donned waterproofs and set out, visiting Nuns Cross, Eylesbarrow Tin Mine, Combshead Tor, Down Tor, and a couple of crosses standing to declare us a Christian country on the stark moorland. The wetness, bad a first, eventually gave way to grey skies, and Burrator Reservoir became visible. Good walking (9+ km), good company and a few calories burned to boot - oh yes, and Chris's boots christened.
An ending.
11 years ago