Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Hazel and Regatta 2009

Dartmouth Regatta 2009 came and went with the usual invasion of tourists all eager to see the rowing, flying displays and the Royal Marines Band. In between such excitement they caught crabs, chalked pretty pictures on the pavement and risked their lives on the fairground rides. I performed my duty as safety boat for the guides rowing practice, and in one of the pictures you can just about see the guide teams rowing to victory against the scouts - hurrah! We had a special treat when Hazel, my older sister came to visit for a few days. She and Lynn visited Greenway House, the former home of Agatha Christie; no doubt you will be able to read about this on Lynn's blog. You can see them both aboard Jireh travelling up to Greenway Quay, where they were charged 75p each for the privilege of landing!

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