Sunday 17 August 2008

Decoy Country Park

After a week of wind and rain we were blessed to have a sunny day for our Church 'Top of the Town Cub' outing to Decoy Country Park in Newton Abbott. Twenty four of us boarded the minibus kindly loaned by the Willows Church and braved the holiday traffic to Newton Abbott. It was a first for all of us and the TOTT kids were delighted to find the largest play park I have ever seen, complete with water feature! Also on offer was the chance to hire sit-on-top canoes, and many took advantage of this to get even wetter. At 4 o'clock we all drove the quarter of a mile to Bruce's and Eunice's house (Bruce is out minister at Dartmouth Baptist church) where a BBQ was awaiting us - thank you Eunice for your cooking. An hour after we dropped the kids back to Dartmouth the heavens opened once more. Praise God for His provision of fine weather!

I'm afraid the pictures are not of a very good quality - I forgot to take my camera and had to take them on my ancient mobile phone.

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