Thursday 31 December 2015


2015 has been an eventful year for Lynn and I and also for the family. In January we stumbled across an advertisement for a pitch at Setmabanning Farm camping site for a caravan.  Not knowing what this would entail, we both felt it was a God given opportunity, so we embarked on this amazing journey to acquire a static caravan under the shadow of Clough Head, near to Blencathra.  

Then is February, Hannah and Dan provided us with another lovely grand son Elijah.

In April we had a major family gathering to celebrate Julia's 18th birthday.  All of a sudden the family has grown up!

In the summer, Lydia moved home to get ready for a move to Lancaster University to study for a Masters Degree in Linguistics.  As Julia had also finished her A Level studies, we took a rare 'foreign' holiday to Jersey.  Weather was superb, and what a great week we had!

We had a great weekend with Sophia and Isaac, our two oldest grandchildren.  We had great fun out and about, dodging showers etc!

As the year progressed Lynn and I felt that our time living in Dartmouth was coming to an end.  We gave the matter much prayer and finally put our house up for sale, receiving an offer within days.  We were led to look in Totnes, and will be moving there in February, God willing.
Christmas came around very quickly, and it was lovely to have Lydia home, and also to have Dan, Sara and Spooky with us to celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

Lynn and I pray that all who read this will know Love, joy and peace throughout 2016.

Sunday 27 December 2015

Sara's animals!

Sara has created an amazing zoo of little felt animals.

More Christmas Day 2015 frolics

To walk off a lovely dinner we drove down to Blackpool Sands for a walk, meeting up with lots of friends doing the the same.  Back home again and Sara showed her genius by creating a little fox from her new felting kit! 

Christmas Day 2015!

Just back from church celebrate God's girl to mankind.  Dan posing with Spooky in his arms.  Happy Christmas everyone! 

Thursday 24 December 2015

Castle Cove

"Walkies" for Spooky took us down to town and then out to Castle Cove, where Dan did a recce for some abseil practice.  A bit too crumbly I think! 

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Family for Christmas

Dan, Sara, Lydia, Spooky, Julia, Lynn and myself have gathered for Yuletide celebrations.  Lovely to see everyone, and the Durdin family will be heading to Woking to spend Christmas with Dan's family.
Happy Christmas to all and may you know the joy and peace that only Jesus can give.

Monday 21 December 2015

A Trip to Narnia!

To celebrate Sophia's 6th birthday last week we joined the crowds on a very wet Saturday to have a Narnian experience at Killerton House.  We went through the wardrobe and met Aslan, Mr Tumnus and the Beavers'.  Then it was home to Sophia's house for tea and cake! 

Return to blog

Having had a break from this blog during a transfer to Facebook, I'm going to return to this site to keep friends up to date with my news.